We’ve committed to 10 bold actions to address barriers to 卫生公平 – because 所有 people deserve to enjoy healthy lives. Powered by our millions of volunteers and 支持者, we will fulfill these Commitments by 2024.
For years we’ve been striving to ensure everyone has an optimal, just opportunity to be healthy. But this is not the reality for many people of color and others whose health suffers because of social factors beyond their control. 事实上, people in some under-resourced ZIP codes have shorter life expectancies than their neighbors just a few miles away. And people in often-remote rural areas face significantly higher death rates from heart disease and stroke.
COVID-19 has illuminated these unacceptable health disparities and worsened the problems. 疫情和经济困难严重损害了黑人的健康, 拉丁美洲人和印第安人. That’s why our 2024 Impact Goal affirms our focus on identifying and removing barriers to 卫生公平.
These graphics show disproportionate death rates among people of color and people in rural areas.
The conditions in which people live shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources.
一个公共政策的体系, 制度的实践, 文化表征和规范使种族不平等永久化.
People in rural communities get sicker and die sooner than people who live in urban or suburban areas. 美国心脏协会决心缩小这一卫生保健差距, 通过宣传, 教育和资助研究.
As champions of 卫生公平, we’re committed to advancing cardiovascular health for 所有. 当人们生病时,我们不会袖手旁观.
我们将促进所有人的心血管健康. 我们不会在人民受苦时袖手旁观. 我们不愿看到人们生病、英年早逝、苦苦挣扎. 我们不会容忍结构性种族主义, 还有许多损害城乡居民健康的社会因素.
We’re taking bold actions – we c所有 them our 10 Commitments – to remove barriers to health. 作为一个100年来坚持不懈地致力于拯救和改善生命的组织, 我们以前曾面临过紧急卫生危机. 现在, 依靠我们数百万志愿者的力量, 支持者, 合作伙伴和合作者, 在这个独特的历史时刻,我们迫切需要加倍努力. Here are the commitments we are making to remove barriers to 卫生公平 through science, 社区投资, 改善获得保健服务的机会和质量, 倡导变革和更多.
1 | 投资 $100 million in new research programs and grants focused on science-based solutions to health inequities and structural racism. We also will expand diversity-research opportunities for underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in science and medicine through grant funding, 阻止程序, 以及我们的HBCU和授权服务学者项目. |
2 | 投资 以社区为主导解决保健不平等和结构性种族主义问题. 具体地说, we will raise and invest at least $100 million to address the barriers to 卫生公平 at the community level through our Social Impact Fund, 伯纳德·J. Tyson Impact Fund, and our community issues campaigns, including Voices for Healthy Kids. |
3 | 改善 access to and the quality of health care for under-resourced populations and those in rural communities, 这是我们50个州关注医疗补助扩张的一部分. We also will dedicate 我们的宣传 and community resources to secure this coverage in 所有 states lacking expanded access. |
4 | 利用 我们的宣传, science and news media enterprise against companies targeting individuals in disadvantaged communities with unhealthful products including sugary beverages and tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) with addicting flavors and menthol. |
5 | 发射, 与美国合作.S. 卫生与公众服务部(HHS), a $121 million-dollar nationwide hypertension initiative to address a main source of poor cardiovascular health in Black, 拉美裔, 和土著社区, 由联邦政府资助. Under the partnership we will team with HHS to support select Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded health centers and associated communities. 共同目标是提高这些中心提供的护理质量, 向提供者和临床医生提供循证教育, 并让患者参与有效控制高血压的培训. AHA will also leverage and expand its existing hypertension programs in Feder所有y Qualified Health Centers (FQHC). |
6 | 使用 our extensive clinical registry programs to capture data and create new scientific knowledge on the health effects of social determinants of health and health care quality variances among racial and ethnic groups, 并通过我们的质量改进项目定期报告这些数据. |
7 | 合作 与我们的CEO圆桌会议一起构建一个 路线图、概念框架和相关工具 for employers to identify and dismantle practices and policies in the workplace that contribute to structural racism and health inequities, 所有 based on the AHA Presidential Advisory C所有 to Action: 结构性种族主义 as a Fundamental Driver of Health Disparities. |
8 | 创建 临床医生的数字化学习平台, 卫生专业人员, and scientists with courses on issues of reversing structural racism and improving 卫生公平 in the delivery of health care, 以及科学和临床工作人员的专业发展课程. In our scientific meetings, we will continue pushing for a diversity of speakers and commentators. |
9 | 提升 我们科学期刊的焦点, 包括血液循环和中风, 上的差异, 反种族主义, 卫生公平, 社区参与/基于社区的参与性研究和实施科学. 我们将确保优先出版这些主题, 我们将评估期刊作者的多样性, 包括社论评论. |
10 | 增加 我们员工的多样性,包括领导层的多样性. 我们承诺至少有三分之一的员工是多元化的. 我们将在招聘中减少偏见, 发展, advancement and retention of diverse colleagues by providing ongoing learning and 发展 experiences, 利用我们的行为和综合面试系统, 整合行业领先的平台,并与不同的联盟伙伴合作. |